Mid-Main Dental

Our Services.


Oral Health.

Solutions that target serious and damaging problems like bad breath, teeth grinding, and other oral health concerns, including oral cancer screening.

Restorative Dentistry.

For anyone looking to restore their smile after trauma or damage. This includes bonding, bridges, dental implants, crowns, inlays / onlays, root canals, and veneers.

Cosmetic Dentistry.

Transform your smile and dramatically fix problems like missing teeth, discoloured teeth, and more through services such as teeth whitening, and porcelain restorations.


Hidden Braces.

Hidden braces and Invisalign offer options for straightening your teeth that are effective, discrete, and reliable.

Periodontal Services.

Diagnosis, treatment, and preventative periodontal care is available through our specialized services.

Oral Surgery.

Minor oral surgery options for patients, determined after we consult with you to decide what treatment your best option is.


Pediatric Care.

Dental options and services designed to meet the unique needs of children, while ensuring they feel comfortable and welcome.

Special Needs Care.

Specialized clinic tailored to supporting and caring for the dental health of those in need of additional support.


Are you afraid of visiting the dentist? Gentle sedation options can help relieve the stress and worry of your visit.

Looking for more information?

Mouthguards / Nightguards.

Custom-fitted mouth guards are designed by dentists like us, and are designed to perfectly fit your mouth and teeth. We begin by taking an impression of your mouth, and then mould over the model with a special, comfortable material. The end result is a perfectly-fitting, extremely comfortable mouth guard that will help you reduce injury and avoid teeth grinding as you enjoy any activity.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction.

Wisdom teeth extraction becomes necessary when the wisdom teeth emerge out of alignment with the rest of the teeth, or when the wisdom teeth fail to erupt at all and become “impacted” between the jawbone and the gum tissue. This condition can lead to chronic pain and infection if left untreated.

Teeth Whitening.

Teeth whitening is a safe and popular form of cosmetic dentistry.

  1. In-office bleaching

  2. At-home bleaching.


Oral Cancer Screening.

Oral cancer is a disease resulting from abnormal cell growth in the mouth, lips, tongue or throat. Your dentist has the expert skill and training to detect early signs of the disease and can help you to understand your risks. To help prevent oral cancer:

  • See your dentist regularly for dental exams and ask about oral cancer screenings.

  • Stop using tobacco products - ask your dentist about tools to help you quit.  Limit alcohol consumption.

  • Limit sun exposure and use U/V protective lip balms.

  • Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

  • Check your mouth regularly for signs or symptoms and report any changes in your mouth to your dentist right away.


The dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is inserted into the jawbone (either the maxilla or the mandible). During your initial consultation, your dental surgeon will perform a thorough exam of your teeth and gums to ensure that you will be a good candidate for the implants. X-rays may be taken to assist in this process. The first procedure installs the required implants (or implant, if it’s for a single tooth), and positions them to bond with your jawbone. The second procedure is when your implants become permanent. The total process takes about six to eight months..

Fees + Insurance.


The BC Dental Association (BCDA) produces an Annual Suggested Fee Guide for Dental Treatment Services, effective February 1st of each year. For those without dental insurance, we provide a 10% discount.


We accept most private and all government insurance plans including:


Healthy Kids

Dependent children under 19 years of age, in families approved for premium assistance by the Medical Services Plan (MSP) through the Ministry of Health, are automatically registered with the Healthy Kids Program. Children are eligible for $2000 of basic dental services every two years.



Persons with disabilities and persons with persistent multiple barriers have a maximum coverage limit of $1000 over two calendar years. This limit applies to persons with disabilities and their spouses, persons with persistent multiple barriers, and seniors over 65 with enhanced medical coverage.


First Nations Health Benefits

First Nations people who are status may have up to 100% coverage on some procedures.


Interim Federal Health - Coverage for Refugees

A maximum coverage of $1000 exists during the patient’s eligibility period for emergency dental services.


Income Assistance

All income assistance clients and individuals receiving hardship assistance are eligible for emergency dental services to relieve pain.

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Uninsured Patients

The clinic provides clients with no coverage a 10% discount on most procedures, based on the current year fee guide